Prohibition of forced labor, child labor and human trafficking

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The Company:

  • Is committed to a work environment that is free from human trafficking, forced labor and unlawful child labor.
  • Will not tolerate or condone such activities in any part of its organization. Company employees, contractors, subcontractors, vendors, suppliers and others through whom the Company conducts business must avoid any action that constitutes trafficking in persons, forced or child labor and must comply with all applicable laws, regulations and recommendations in relation to the above.
  • Ensures that its employees are of legal working age for their position and complies with ILO and MLC standards, as well as with the applicable State laws for youth employment or student work, such as internships or apprenticeships.
  • Takes measures to verify, evaluate, promote awareness about, and address risks associated with forced labor, child labor and human trafficking in its direct business dealings.

Examples of actions undertaken include the following:

  • Evaluating and addressing business risk in the area of forced labor and human trafficking
  • Supplier verification of compliance with applicable anti-slavery and human trafficking
  • Awareness of Company employees.